how to analyze a poem step by step
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
The Reeves Rebuttal Essay Example For Students
The Reeves Rebuttal Essay The Reeves Rebuttal The Reeve of Geoffrey Chaucers The Canterbury Tales I depicted in the first as old and peevish and thin(605), irritable significance irascible and yellow. All of Chaucers portrayals of the travelers in his stories give an understanding into and hint the their story to come, and the Reeve is obviously no exemption. His depiction keeps, depicting him with a moderate and resolve appearance, and one of savage position. Astute, figuring, and savage appear to summarize his character, an impressive persona in a debilitating body. Furthermore, when it comes his chance to tell his story, he is fast t battle story to story with the Miller to humiliate him all the more along these lines, being a woodworker himself and having the Millers story just so insultingly censuring another craftsman. His portrayal is promptly evident, as his touchiness brings his story of a hapless and remorseless mill operators rout so as to denounce the Miller. In the Reeves story, two researchers visit a cheat of a mill operator from the nearby college with corn to granulate. These young men in the long run reverse the situation on the mill operator, and hence it is no little astonishment that the position these young men are in is like the Reeves vocation too. The young men, astute and mindful, watch to ensure they wouldnt get cheated by the mill operator, so thusly the mill operator lets free their pony, deferring their arrival home and letting the mill operator keep a cut of the corn. To reclaim whats theirs advertisement have the last affront, one of the young men has his way with the mill operators girl, and different his way with the spouse. Despite the fact that dubious, this could be an astute supplementing of the reeves more youthful life. The story, however complete with a lesson of the evil getting their fair rewards, is minimal more than kill at the genuine Miller, having him be beaten, deceived, and disrespected by the more youthful Reeves renditions. In the preface of The Canterbury Tales, the Reeve is a worn out more seasoned adaptation of the young men later to come in his story. Chaucer keeps the teller of every story with a fundamental part and impression of the story itself. The Reeve being grumpy yet smart, and old yet wealthy, utilizes his story to accept rank as a craftsman, and similarly criticize the Miller who had attempted to slander him. His beating isn't physical, however verbal, and the story is nothing if not an irritable counter coordinated at the Miller. .
Saturday, August 22, 2020
List of Persuasive Essay Topics For High School Students
List of Persuasive Essay Topics For High School StudentsA list of persuasive essay topics for high school students can be made from reading a variety of literature. Excerpts from writings by renowned authors such as Hemingway, Twain, Dostoyevsky, Twain, Dickens, Steinbeck, and of course Milton have served as examples for successful teaching tactics in many educational institutions. You may also want to read the writing that the educational institute employed in their course so you will get an idea about what kind of topics you should teach your students in the long run.A list of persuasive essay topics for high school students will consist of writing lessons for students that relate to your subject. However, there are some subjects that you should avoid as they will not be relevant to high school students. Examples include topics like, geography, history, military history, politics, and psychology.The general format of a persuasive essay topics is to start with the introduction. In o rder to give your audience some idea about your topic, you may include a short sentence in the introduction of your writing. You should also end your introduction with a long paragraph where you will explain the entire theme of your topic. Also, if your topic has only one example in your essay, it will be easier for your readers to understand the theme of your subject.A list of persuasive essay topics for high school students is more or less dependent on the type of subject that you are teaching. If your class is dealing with political topics, for example, you will need to discuss political philosophy, military history, and of course, historical events. A bit tricky is to include a discussion about current world events as you would all these things together. However, make sure that the rest of your essay is able to explain and support your views on current world events.A list of persuasive essay topics for high school students is basically a series of paragraphparagraphs that you wi ll use to support your writing. It is important that you will support your ideas with verifiable examples and facts. There is no point in writing an essay about politics if you do not know the sources for your facts and interpretations.Although not technically a rhetorical device, writing about a topic and backing it up with examples or facts can be called as an argumentative exercise. A good example of this is when you will use anecdotes with a background story in order to support your argument. Of course, it is not limited to using stories and anecdotes as a basis for your writing.A significant part of the argument of persuasive essay topics for high school students lies in the substance of your essay. You will first need to research the topic and write as much as you can about it in your essay. This is where an outline will help you a lot in this aspect. The outline will allow you to start your writing and gather all the details that you need to back up your points.A list of pers uasive essay topics for high school students is important because it will provide you with important information about the subjects that you will be teaching in your courses. It is important to prepare your students for their future academic careers by providing them with an understanding of the subjects that they will be taught. As a writer, it is crucial that you will be able to learn the tricks and techniques of persuasive writing and make use of these strategies in your writing pieces in order to convince people of your point of view.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Brurrito Essay Research Paper Chris Cronk2nd hour free essay sample
Brurrito Essay, Research Paper Chris Cronk second hr Writing for College Dr. Strauch Burrito Have you ever been eating a burrito and had its full substance spill all over your array? When you were eating that burrito did it gustatory sensation rather flat? All things considered, permit me state you how we make a burrito the Taco Bell way! It will modify your situation on how you make burritos everlastingly. To do this burrito I am referencing to, you should initially get these undermentioned focuses: 1 pack of 10? - inch burrito shells, 1 jar of refried beans, 1 pack of ground cheddar, 1 caput of boodle, 1 tomato, 1 white onion, 1 shower of smelly pick, ? lb of land chow, and 1 jug of pacante sauce. ( You will non use the entirety of the fixings in the event that you make just one burrito. ) You should initially happen the best possible utensils and a fit topographic point to fix the supplement. A cutting board would be best for the preparing. We will compose a custom article test on Brurrito Essay Research Paper Chris Cronk2nd hour or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Other than assemble a skillet, spatula, spoon, and a fresh blade. The entirety of the fixings should first be cut, cooked, and parceled before the get together of the completed burrito. Cuting the veggies will be your following measure. Utilizing the blade, take the caput of boodle and shred into little square shapes. Be cautious non to cut yourself. Following put aside the boodle and take the tomato and onion. Cut them into centimeter expansive balls and be sure non to mix together. On the off chance that you like to hold the tomato and onion into littler balls, simply cut littler. Leave these fixings isolated for the present, and put in a safe spot. It is currently tim nutrient E to warm the meat and refried beans. Open your container of beans. At that point take the spoon and put the beans in a smaller scale wavable compartment. Warmth on high for 2-3 proceedingss. Leave in microwave when done so it remains hot. Following get your griddle and topographic point it on the range, so turn the range on high. From that point onward, take your defrosted land meat and topographic point in the griddle. With the spatula, thump until it is a slim bed at the underside of the skillet. Let sit for a moment, thus mix a little. Proceed with this strategy until the meat is dull earthy colored. Mood killer run and permit sit for the moment. You currently have the entirety of the basic fixings expected to do a burrito a similar way as Taco Bell. All there is left to make is to do the burrito. First take a flour tortilla and lay it level on a command post. Spread 1.5oz of beans on the tortilla. Following put 1.5oz of land meat on the beans. Pour 1oz of pacante sauce over the inside. Utilizing your fingers, squeeze about.50oz of boodle. Put the boodle in a line down the middle so each chomp you take will hold a little of everything. Following spoon onto the burrito.50oz of tomatoes and.50oz of onions. Attempt non to set them across the board topographic point either. Finally dispersed.75oz of smelly pick admirably well over the entire thing. Roll the tortilla cautiously, doing certain the fixings wear? t fall out. Crease the base upward. You are formally wrapped up your first burrito! It might take somewhat more clasp to do than Taco Bell, yet it tastes the equivalent and should be possible for a lot less expensive! Utilize this recipe clasp and clasp again and you will ever hold a decent burrito. Appreciate!
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Where Can I Find Research Papers?
Where Can I Find Research Papers?If you are studying any form of life at college, it is advisable to do some research papers on the subject. Studies vary from one topic to another and thus if you are lucky enough to study your subject, it would be a good idea to do some research. However, if you are not sure about what to do, it will help you out if you know how to find research papers that can be beneficial for you.There are several opportunities to find online resources for educational institutions. There are many good websites that offer free resources such as books and other materials. The most obvious advantage is that there are no costs involved and you are free to use the material as long as you own the books. All you have to do is create an account with the website.Another online resource that can be of assistance is a university. In fact, there are websites that offer research papers on your chosen subject for free. It would also be helpful if you are enrolled in a school an d you know about the courses taught there. You can visit the school's website and search for relevant information.While doing research papers on your subject, you may want to start with the specific course you are planning to take. This will make the process easier. Then you can start by searching for relevant information. Once you have found some relevant websites, you can make use of the resources.Individual books are available free for people who need them. You can order the same and have the book delivered to your home. Some sites offer services that include research papers on various subjects.Online research papers are a great way to check the quality of materials. As you will find out yourself, you may find research papers that are really helpful.As far as online sources are concerned, some individuals opt for free online resources while others rely on the paid ones. Some may be just free, while others may cost a few dollars. If you are not aware of the difference, then it wou ld help if you read reviews before deciding.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Is Corporate Social Responsibility a Myth - 620 Words
Although Vaz’s (2014, May 14) earlier paper focuses on the modern awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), it seems to be biased, clearly avoiding the ill-effects of corporate branding of CSR, as the friendly new face of capitalism. This paper concentrates on the indirect impacts of CSR, such as increased prices on common consumer goods like organic foods, etc. In an attempt to answer a new question, â€Å"Is Corporate Social Responsibility a myth?†this paper also tries to evaluate what Poruthiyil (2013) eloquently states: Throughout their long history, business ethicists have been aware that theorizations intending to address societal goals can be rendered ineffectual when economic goals are prioritized [Arnold (2010); Marens (2010,2007); Worden (2009); Karnani (2007); Wry (2009); Hartman et al. (2003); Freeman (2000); Boatright (1998)]. Is CSR just a marketing tool? Khurana’s (2012) presentation appears to be very idealistic; he refers to Max Weber, Joseph Schumpeter and Emil Durkheim, the great social theorists, when he states that great leaders create a sense of connection and meaning to people. While idealism is always good, Lorenzo-Molo’s (2009) paper is more realistic, as she provides stark examples to submit that, CSR tends to focus on the significance of proper reporting (or communication) of a corporations do-gooder or rhetoric activities, while overlooking the back stage or hidden activities. Lorenzo-Molo’s (2009) cites Campbell to showShow MoreRelated`` Reign Of Error Is American Education For The Lives Of Our Children? Essay1247 Words  | 5 Pagesfor reform being promoted by the government and adopted by many states? What should we do to improve our schools and the lives of our children? According to Ravitch, the â€Å"crisis†concerning American education is actually a myth. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
American History The Gold Rush - 978 Words
One of the most beneficial events in American history is the California Gold Rush. The Gold Rush started in 1848 when it was discovered that California Rivers harbored gold inside them. This attracted many Americans across the United States, thus causing a massive migration to California. People from across the nation put their lives on hold in hopes of striking gold in California. For many, the journey took months and the risk of death was steadily present. Dangers were everywhere- from Native American attacks to getting lost on the trail. It was a risk, however, that many deemed worthy. The Gold Rush is a positive turning point in our nation’s growth for many reasons. It helped our nation achieve Manifest Destiny, it allowed the population to grow in California, and it also put California on the map. Although the California Gold Rush has many positives aspects, it holds negative traits as well. Manifest Destiny is defined as the old American belief that God’s plan is for the United States to rule and settle North America coast-to-coast. We see this throughout history as the white settlers drive out thousands of Native Americans from their land. The reasons behind this lust for land are because the land is beautiful, it offered opportunity for expansion, it offered natural resources, and it also helped accommodate America’s growing population. Americans sought out â€Å"the fulfilment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the freeShow MoreRelatedCalifornias Gold Rush819 Words  | 3 PagesGold! Gold! Gold from the American River!†shouted Samuel Brannan, a newspaper publicist from San Francisco, following the discovery of gold in California (Rhodes 168). This event sparked a new era of immigration to California in 1848. The gold rush began on January 24, 1848 when gold was found by James Marshall, a foreman for John Sutter, at Sutters Mill in Coloma, California (Bancroft 32). Initially th e news was kept a secret due to the risk of a massive wave of gold seekers interfering withRead MoreHistory And Effect Of The Gold Rush1559 Words  | 7 Pages US History Mr. Grosse Tomi Choi 09/20/17 The history and effect of The Gold Rush Gold Rush is one of the significant event in the history. In this project, I will introduce what is the major effects of the Gold Rush in the California and how it changed the people, economic, political and environmental effects. The Gold Rush was a rapid movement of people to a newly discovered Goldfield. The Gold Rush was arguably one of the most significant events toRead MoreHistory And Effect Of The Gold Rush1573 Words  | 7 Pages Research Paper: The history and effect of The Gold Rush Gold Rush is one of the significant event in the history. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Opportunities Making
Question: Discuss about the Opportunities making Business with Mobile Computing. Answer: Introduction Today, various changes are taking place in the living standards of people and also in business operations because of emergence of new technologies and development in smart phone devices. These dynamic technologies have put down significant effects on individual, business and societies. This report focuses on emergence of mobile in computing and its implications on society in details. Report provides the deep understanding and analysis about the aspects of mobile computing that creates various business opportunities for the organizations in the operating market (Aldridge, 2011). Project objective The objective of this project is to understand various aspects of the mobile computing which provide various business opportunities to the organizations for attracting the customers. It is recently observed that people are focused towards these technologies and the technologies have made them much dependent. It is also observed that mobile computing is beneficial for the business as it provides various opportunities to the organizations to achieve the growth in the business. So, the objective of this study is to analyze the opportunities of mobile technology and involve these resources in the daily business activities to the higher level (Bryman, 2015). Project scope The presented study has significant importance in the research topic of mobile computing. This is very crucial part in the current circumstances of the technological innovation and development and its propositions. The main objective of the project is to analyze and understand the opportunities with the mobile computing and its importance in the business. The study would make possible to understand the use of mobile computing devices in the various business functions. Along with this, the study would also provide benefits to increase the knowledge and understanding about various aspects of mobile computing and would assist in providing effective findings and conclusion for the project. Literature review In present time technology has become the most vital and efficient factor which include various people both in their personal and practiced lives. In all over the world technology has put down its roots in almost all the activities and sectors. Mobile computing is one of the advancement in technologies which changes the lifestyle of people allows them to think in a diverse manner by practicing the same in their real lives. Mobile computing Since mobile computing is one of the most important technological development which affect many people in all over the world. Mobile computing is considered as the equipment which allows the transfer of data, videos and voice, by the computer and other wireless equipments without use of wire or any of fixed substantial connection. Day to day activities can be easily carried because of enhance in the use of smart phones and tablets. Mobile hardware, and mobile software, mobile communications are the basic concepts of mobile computing (Ghanchi, 2016). It has been considered as the mobile computing technology provide the facilities to its users to access, generate, accumulate, procedure and communicate the useful information without any kind of hurdles. It assists the users to interact and exchange information in wide range of areas. Mobile computing is also considered as a platform of information management which allows the flow of information through wireless channels. Impacts of mobile computing on business There have been a lot of changes taking place in mobile sectors in past few years. New and upgraded technologies had made a great impact on the various business activities of the organizations. New phases of quick communication have been developed by use of mobile computing devices such as laptops, tablets, smart phones, I-pods etc and complete restoration of traditional mode of communication has taken place due to these devices. For the individuals and society, mobile technological solutions have become very important part in their daily routines. The mobile computing helps in combining communicational sources with wide range of internet which ultimately helps in bringing improvements in daily routine of people. However use of mobile computing has lead to increase in activities related to cyber crimes. Because of flexibility of easily transformation of information, risk related to security of sources has been increasing at an alarming rate. It has been considered that it is hazardou s to get connected with other devices as it may be the cause of mistreatment of private data. When the laptops, mobiles, or other devices are associated to Wi-Fi, these can easily be hacked and controlled by anyone and can misuse the confidential data stored in it. Opportunities from mobile computing By using smart phones and ease in access to thousands of apps, people are performing a lot of intensive activities on their mobile phones from any place and at anytime like banking transactions, payment of bills etc. Now days mobile phones have become a major part of day to day lives of people. According to a current global report, almost 60% of senior corporate expect that mobile computing will help in expanding their business at large scale which ultimately helps in getting success to their businesses (Kumar Yung-Hsiang, 2010). Mobile technologies help people to use data and resources of company without been attached to a single location. Mobile devices help the employees of a company to keep them in touch everywhere whether they are attending their meetings or working for a client etc. Mobile computing helps the companies in doing their business in an effective and different manner. New technologies not only attract customers but also help in reducing cost. It will make the team more attentive, more creative and more valuable in front of clients. Businesses now days are learning the most efficient and effective way of using mobile technologies in their business to enhance their productivity to get success in long term. Following are some important areas in which mobile technology can be useful: Networking / communication Mobile technologies help companies to have unbreakable and incessant level of connectivity between employees, vendors and customers. Employees can download applications like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter etc on their mobiles which help them to connect with other colleagues. Mobile computing also helps in enhancing business benefits like direct communication with the customers and employees in the market. By the use of real-time communication, the organization can achieve various business benefits i.e. effective use of staff time, improved customer services, and greater range of the services and products which are delivered by the company. The benefits for the customers as well as business are as follows: Making effective presentations to the customers, and they are being able to download the information regarding product during the visit, By using mobile computing, customers are able to quote and interact regarding order processing, Checking stock level by the office network, Interacting with the other employees while traveling, senior managers can send or receive emails, response to the tenders, and deliver the trip report in timely manner (Frh, Kesch Plss, 2005). Development Due to the interactive nature of mobile computing and technology, organizations are able to share the information by this medium. By the mobile technology, the companies are able to get immediate response and feedback for the products and services from the end users. The speed and accessibility of the mobile computing have led to the faster research and development for the organizations in their business which is the crucial part for them to deal with the competition in the market. Along with this, it has also led to the product upgrade based on the customers requirements with the faster rate. In this way, customers or end users feel that they are connect with the companys business operations and they have important role in the development of the business (Chen Kamara, 2011). Marketing In the time of competition, mobile technology has provided new dimensions to each and every company in terms of advertising and promotion for the business across the world. Based on the business advertisements on the mobile phones by the variety of mobile marketing technologies, customers feel attractive towards the products and services. By the marketing technologies such as mobile website, SMS messaging, banner ads, mobile applications, IVR massaging, QR codes and much more. These advertisements can be used to reach the targeted and specific audience by the company. Consumers are able to read the information available on the website but they are seeking the information on the mobile device. Mobile devices now display the advertisements that are related to the information. By this customization, marketing is getting more effective as the potential customers always have mobile devices in their hand and the exposure of advertisements is increased. Based on the studies, it is observed that 97% of the mobile subscribers read an SMS message within 15 minutes of receiving it, and 84% response within 1 hour. Along with this, mobile is not just for the young people, but adults are also using the mobile technology for purchasing and shopping. Further, it is observed that almost 40% of the consumers are interested in receiving the mobile coupons for the various services (Fernando, Loke Rahayu, 2013). Commerce Mobile ticketing By the mobile computing, tickets can be booked and cancelled easily with the variety of technologies. Users are now able to use their tickets immediately by showing their phone at the venue. Mobile coupons, vouchers and loyalty cards- The mobile technology is useful in the allocation of the coupons, vouchers and the loyalty cards. These items can be characterized by the virtual token that is sent to the mobile phone of the customers. Customers present their mobile phone having one of these tokens while purchasing the products. By the mobile token, customers are able to take same benefits as they got in the traditional token (Tan, 2011). Content purchase and delivery The mobile content purchasing includes sale of ring-tones, games, wallpapers of mobile phones. The content purchase and delivery focuses into the purchase and delivery of the full-length music tracks, books, videos and more. Location based services By knowing the location of the mobile phone users, companies are able to provide location based services to them. The location based services include local discount offers, local weather, news or sports, traffic reporting and tracking and monitoring of people. Information services There is various information services which can delivered to the customers and mobile phone users in the same way as those are delivered on their computers. The information services include stock quotes, financial records, and national and international news and sports (Metz, 2013). Mobile banking In present time, banking and other financial institutions use mobile commerce so that they can provide facilities to the customers to access the account information and make transactions. Facilities in the mobile banking include transfer funds between accounts, process bill payments check bank balances and verify deposits and other many transactions (Brill, 2013). Benefits In the modern era, mobile technology is helpful in improving the services of the organizations that they provide to the customers. for instance, while meeting with the customers, company can access the customer relationship management system by the internet. This is helpful for the company to keep the details of the customers updated. Alternatively, company can be able to allow the customers to pay for the services and products without cash, check or swipe the credit or debit card. Further, by the mobile computing, companies are able to access the resources with the help of database or accounting system. For example, firm can set up new customers account, place an order online and check the prices and stock availability (Wakeman, 2012). Conclusion From the above discussion, it is observed that the adaptation of smart mobile device such as tablets, smart phones etc has drastically changed the living standards and various daily activities of individuals. It is also observed that that mobile computing is mostly used for the various business activities as it is helpful for the individuals by information system while they are not in their workplace. The above discussion shows that the mobile devices are helpful to stay connected with each other in all over the world at anytime. People get new opportunities to communicate with each other and to explore the outer world. So, the mobile computing has significant role in the modification business activities. 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